Getting started

This getting started guide walks you through using Anaconda Project for the first time.

After completing this guide, you will be able to:

  • Create a new reproducible project.
  • Run the project with a single command.
  • Package and share the project.

If you have not yet installed and started Project, follow the Installation instructions.

Create a new project

The following steps will create a project called “demo_app”:

  1. Open a Command Prompt or terminal window.

  2. Initialize the project in a new directory:

    $ anaconda-project init -y --directory demo_app
  3. Navigate into your project directory:

    $ cd demo_app
  4. Add the package dependencies:

    $ anaconda-project add-packages python=3.8 notebook hvplot=0.7.3 panel=0.12.6 xarray=0.20 pooch=1.4 netCDF4

Create an example notebook-based Panel app

In this section, we will create a new notebook called Interactive.ipynb via either of the following methods:

  • Download this quickstart example:

    • Right-click the link and “Save As”, naming the file Interactive.ipynb and saving it into your new demo_app folder, or
    • Use the curl command below. This can be used on a unix-like platform.
    $ curl -o Interactive.ipynb


This example is taken from a larger, more full-featured hvPlot interactive, one that will work as well, if you would prefer to download that.

  • Alternatively, you can launch a Jupyter notebook session with:

    $ anaconda-project run jupyter notebook

Click the New button and choose the Python3 option. Paste the following contents into a cell and click File|Save as…, naming the file Interactive.

import xarray as xr, hvplot.xarray, hvplot.pandas, panel as pn, panel.widgets as pnw

ds     = xr.tutorial.load_dataset('air_temperature')
diff   = ds.air.interactive.sel(time=pnw.DiscreteSlider) - ds.air.mean('time')
kind   = pnw.Select(options=['contourf', 'contour', 'image'], value='image')
plot   = diff.hvplot(cmap='RdBu_r', clim=(-20, 20), kind=kind)

hvlogo = pn.panel("", width=100)
pnlogo = pn.panel("", width=100)
text   = pn.panel("## Select a time and type of plot", width=400)

    pn.Row(hvlogo, pn.Spacer(width=20), pn.Column(text, plot.widgets()), pnlogo),

You can exit the running Jupyter Notebook program using CTRL+C in your terminal or command line.

Run your project

  1. Register a new command to launch the notebook as a Panel app:

    $ anaconda-project add-command --type unix dashboard "panel serve Interactive.ipynb"


The unix command type may be used for linux & macOS. For Windows, replace --type unix with --type windows

  1. Run your new project:

    $ anaconda-project run dashboard --show

    Your application should now be running and available at http://localhost:5006/Interactive. Once you’re finished with it, you can close the running program using CTRL+C in your terminal or command line.

Sharing your project

To share this project with a colleague:

  1. Archive the project:

    $ anaconda-project archive
  2. Send the archive file to your colleague.

You can also share a project by uploading it to Anaconda Cloud. For more information, see Sharing a project.

Anyone with Project—your colleague or someone who downloads your project from Cloud—can run your project by unzipping the project archive file and then running a single command, without having to do any setup:

$ anaconda-project unarchive
$ cd demo_app
$ anaconda-project run


If your project contains more than one command, the person using your project will need to specify which command to run. For more information, see Running a project.

Project downloads the data, installs the necessary packages and runs the command.

Next steps