Working with commands

Run all of the commands on this page from within the project directory.

Adding a command to a project

A project contains some sort of code, such as Python files, which have a .py extension.

You could run your Python code with the command:


NOTE: Replace file with the name of your file.

However, to gain the benefits of Anaconda Project, use Project to add code files to your project:

  1. Put the code file, application file, or notebook file into your project directory.

  2. Add a command to run your file:

    anaconda-project add-command name "command"

    NOTE: Replace name with a name of your choosing for the command. Replace command with the command string.

    EXAMPLE:: To add a command called “notebook” that runs the IPython notebook mynotebook.ipynb:

    anaconda-project add-command notebook mynotebook.ipynb

    EXAMPLE: To add a command called “plot” that runs a Bokeh app located outside of your project directory:

    anaconda-project add-command plot app-path-filename

    NOTE: Replace app-path-filename with the path and filename of the Bokeh app. By default, Bokeh looks for the file, so if your app is called, you do not need to include the filename.

  3. When prompted for the type of command, type:

    • B if the command string is a Bokeh app to run.
    • N if the command string is a Notebook to run.
    • C if the command string is a Command line instruction to run, such as using Python to run a Python .py file.

    EXAMPLE: To add a command called “hello” that runs python

    $ anaconda-project add-command hello "python"
    Is `hello` a (B)okeh app, (N)otebook, or (C)ommand line? C
    Added a command 'hello' to the project. Run it with
    `anaconda-project run hello`.
  4. OPTIONAL: In a text editor, open anaconda-project.yml to see the new command listed in the commands section.

Specifying multi-line commands

Commands added to the anaconda-project.yml file can span multiple lines of execution by using the YAML | string specifier. For example a single command can be defined in the anaconda-project.yml file to run multiple linting tools.

  unix: |
    yapf --in-place

Using commands that need different environments

You can have multiple conda environment specifications in a project, which is useful if some of your commands use a different version of Python or otherwise have distinct dependencies. Add these environment specs with anaconda-project add-env-spec.

Using commands to automatically start processes

Project can automatically start processes that your commands depend on. Currently it only supports starting Redis, for demonstration purposes.

To see Project automatically start the Redis process:

anaconda-project add-service redis

More types of services will be supported soon. If there are particular services that you would find useful, let us know.

Viewing a list of commands in a project

To list all of the commands in a project:

anaconda-project list-commands


$ anaconda-project list-commands
Commands for project: /home/alice/mystuff/iris

Name      Description
====      ===========
hello     python
plot      Bokeh app iris_plot
showdata  python

Running a project command

Running a project command is the same as Running a project.